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The first time fear erupted in the mind of man was in the wake of sin. In Hebrew, the word sin
is defined as a violation against God, to fail or to miss the mark, which causes separation from
Him. Without the knowledge of sin, humanity would not recognize the reason we are separated
from God. There are all kinds of emotions and problems that come from sin that bring us to
its consequences. Being afraid and the power of fear is one of those deep consequences. We
see that powerfully illustrated here as the human mind experienced fear for the very first time.
And it was terrible fear as man (the created) was afraid of God (the Creator), someone more
powerful than all things. This is not the will of God. We were never created to be afraid of God.
But sin, doing its work in our minds, accomplishes fear and is a powerful motivator. Jesus Christ
came into this world to break that curse and cast out the effects of sin in our lives.