The Flood - Genesis 6 - 9
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The global flood is the greatest disaster that has occurred on planet Earth. Nevertheless, many
do not believe in a one-time global flood but only in local floods. Yet, there are over 135 cultures
around the world who report stories of a serious flood in their history. Several of the popular
scientists today believe that the planet Mars had a global (or near global) flood in its past.
But the idea of believing in a similar event on Earth where there is an even greater amount of
evidence is out of the question. This is remarkably ignorant. But if one does not believe the
Bible, then we can make up and believe whatever we want. However, the evidence seems to
clearly point to a devastating global flood in history. The Ice Age, for example, while hard to
explain for secular scientists was probably triggered by the great flood due to the modified
weather that followed. In today’s reading of Genesis 7, we will look at the provisions of the
floating ark. God even points to the animals that would be saved from the flood—He would
bring them to Noah.